Anda pasti mengenal Norton Ghost… 🙂

Yup, program peng clonning harddisk dan partisi yang populer digunakan oleh teknisi komputer. Cuma ini program berbayar, alias tidak gratis..

Nah di era open source ini, tidak layak lah kalo kita musti membajak suatu program komersil untuk tujuan apapun. Alternatif lain masih ada,,,pakailah CLONEZILLA (

Fitur Clonezilla sbb:

  • Free (GPL) Software.
  • Filesystem supported: (1) ext2, ext3, ext4, reiserfs, reiser4, xfs, jfs of GNU/Linux, (2) FAT, NTFS of MS Windows, (3) HFS+ of Mac OS, (4) UFS of FreeBSD, NetBSD, and OpenBSD, and (5) VMFS of VMWare ESX. Therefore you can clone GNU/Linux, MS windows, Intel-based Mac OS, and FreeBSD, NetBSD, and OpenBSD, no matter it’s 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x86-64) OS. For these file systems, only used blocks in partition are saved and restored. For unsupported file system, sector-to-sector copy is done by dd in Clonezilla.
  • LVM2 (LVM version 1 is not) under GNU/Linux is supported.
  • Grub (version 1 and version 2) is supported.
  • Multicast is supported in Clonezilla SE, which is suitable for massively clone. You can also remotely use it to save or restore a bunch of computers if PXE and Wake-on-LAN are supported in your clients.
  • Based on Partclone (default), Partimage (optional), ntfsclone (optional), or dd to image or clone a partition. However, Clonezilla, containing some other programs, can save and restore not only partitions, but also a whole disk.
  • By using another free software drbl-winroll, which is also developed by us, the hostname, group, and SID of cloned MS windows machine can be automatically changed. 

Jadi buat apa ragu pakai open source,,,, Gratis dan Halal  🙂
Silahkan download, pelajari, dan gunakan

Clonezilla Live CD =>  DOWNLOAD DISINI

Categories: Teknologi


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